Friday, November 9, 2012

Laugh Productions Opens Moon Channel!

A crescent "Moon", representing the "C" on the word "Channel" in this first exclusive released Logo of the new 'Moon Channel'.

Laugh Productions CEO Aaron Moon has recently announced their new owned channel, which is suppose to open on Youtube this weekend. Moon Channel will replace the current "Austinandallywiki" channel on the Youtube, but the username will stay the same.

Moon Channel will be broadcasting Laugh Productions Series; A High School Rockstar & Secret Life are some of them.

"We never really had a channel for our series. We just had the Youtube channel. We're not going to remove that, we're just going to change the Title but not the username" as described by Moon.

Be sure to check out the upcoming "MoonChannelMedianet" that will feature al the series and other press releases.


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